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Education can change everything

In sub-Saharan Africa, 24 million girls can't afford to go to school. A girl may marry as young as 13 and has a one in 22 chance of dying in childbirth. One in six of her children will die before the age of five. Research shows if you educate a girl she’ll:
Earn up to 25 percent more and reinvest 90 percent in her family.
Be three times less likely to become HIV-positive.
Have fewer, healthier children who are 40 percent more likely to live past the age of five.

Since 1993, Camfed has fought poverty and AIDS by educating girls and empowering young women. More than 1,065,710 children in impoverished areas of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, Ghana and Malawi have benefited from our innovative education programs.

Our Approach

We believe every child has the right to an education. Camfed uses a community-based, holistic approach to bring about change in Africa. The girls we support are selected by the community as being the most in need. We don’t just provide her with books or school fees. We help her throughout her development, from her elementary school years until adulthood. Our package allows her to get into school, do well academically, and maximize the value of her education after graduation.

Here's how our girl-centric, long-term program works:

1. Provide long-term support

We provide school fees, supplies, uniforms—whatever is necessary—to support girls from elementary school through high school, college and professional schools.

2. Offer business training & small grants

Through our Seed Money Program, we help women learn how to manage money and help them launch small businesses.

3.Empower women

With the help of Cama, an association of 14,005 Camfed alumni and other African women, young women become leaders and bring change to their communities.

Through this long-term approach, we’ve supported 500,948 girls and vulnerable boys through school, taught 10,329 young women basic economic skills and helped 6,084 young women launch small businesses. Our work has also started a local philanthropic movement: Cama members have helped 118,384 children go to school.

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