Women on Earth
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La tribune de Women on Earth.

Réflexions, opinions, témoignages, récits, poèmes, histoires personnelles, billets d'humeur ou d'humour... WE ! write est un espace de lecture et de publication pour toutes les femmes ouvertes d’esprit, curieuses et naturellement en... verve.

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Etienne Franca
WE! write
Etienne Franca
New York, États-Unis - Brazilian
Ses textes
his last

he told me he would leave for the party he said he felt bad about it and asked me i told him to go or stay, it didn't matter i had to sleep at some point anyway but he stayed not for me or because not for the night, wet and silent beyond the big window he stayed for his own pleasure for a piece of him that was already mine and enjoyed as i did when he collected his clothes embarrassed by his pettiness by the look of me sate (...)

La Collection
L'artiste au premier plan
WE! art

WE ! art
> Joanna Mallin-Davies

Le portrait en vue
WE! face

WE ! face
> Alison Mayor

L'E ! go en tête
La créatrice en avant
WE! creation

WE ! creation
> Florence Croisier