Women on Earth
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La tribune de Women on Earth.

Réflexions, opinions, témoignages, récits, poèmes, histoires personnelles, billets d'humeur ou d'humour... WE ! write est un espace de lecture et de publication pour toutes les femmes ouvertes d’esprit, curieuses et naturellement en... verve.

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Tout lire...
WE! write
Sophia Hunt-Llonch
Dampierre, France - Anglaise

Winter, nearly over

Golden light, finally
filters through the naked trees.
Ground still hard,
but life is poking through
Gingerly, with trepidation.
Fine green shoots of hope and promise.
Crocus, snowdrop, daffodils,
Tiny fingers reaching for the sky
From the secret womb of the earth.
Their message is one of renewal,
the cycle of life beginning again,
Heralding the softer breath of Spring.

La Collection
L'artiste au premier plan
WE! art

WE ! art
> Virginie Groleau

L'E ! go en tête

E ! Go
> Quitterie Ithurbide

La créatrice en avant
WE! creation

WE ! creation
> Colette Billaud