Women on Earth
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La tribune de Women on Earth.

Réflexions, opinions, témoignages, récits, poèmes, histoires personnelles, billets d'humeur ou d'humour... WE ! write est un espace de lecture et de publication pour toutes les femmes ouvertes d’esprit, curieuses et naturellement en... verve.

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Neda Darzi
WE! write
Neda Darzi
Tehran, Iran - Iranian
Ses textes

Woman, women out of earth Thirsty lips, seeking for water Faraway, there were just sky &tree What are these suffers for? Is there any ability to reach water? Water behind boarders Fish are fastened Lonely tired hands, but effortful Training, seeking, growing And this woman is the one lasts… "Woman"by Neda Darzi-Oct 2002

La Collection
L'artiste au premier plan
WE! art

WE ! art
> Ana Gloria Salvia

Le portrait en vue
WE! face

WE ! face
> Marjolaine Dégremont

L'E ! go en tête

E ! Go
> daniela dente

La créatrice en avant
WE! creation

WE ! creation
> Nicole Gaulier